Saturday, March 4, 2023

Rail Trails: Bespoke New Illustrations

As we develop ever more routes, the need for bespoke line illustrations grows also to satisfy the need to create a couple of 'route focus' features per map sheet. We've been busy on these as well as the mapping; a single line illustration typically takes around 3 hrs to draw, scan and then process digitally so that it may best fit in with both the rail trails colourscheme and the spaces on the individual maps sheets. To date we've created a fair cross section of them - from canal barges to WW2 aircraft to sailing ships, knights, asparagus and with many more to come.. 

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Rail Trails: Timelapse Showing Drawings and Placement in Illustrator

 A (very) quick look at the way the illustrations are created and how we incorporate them into the various route sheets digitally.